Traducciones   10 años

I Know It's not only in the shower on in bed that I think and ponder upon the meaning of love. My mind is rather concerned or should I say consumed with the way it feels . I never know why anyone would allow love to be after the word real Right ? Love is real within itself , who decided that the realness of love needed help However Id feel extremely comfortable allowing the word professional to be placed in front of my love . Am I allowed to own my love ? I am mine first anyways . People are so deceived by the looks of love &lust now a days . Makes you really question , how you'd really spend your days . My love has the best flavor , because you have it now & later & forever , that's how love goes , right? My motives are pure & that's what makes my flavor so good .....we all have different taste buds . I'm not sure if I know how to be loved . How would I know ? How would I know how love go ?

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