Forgotten. Chapter 3 When my "family" returned none of them even looked at me but Jenna asked if I wanted to go shopping with her the next morning. I said ok so we were on our way to our local shopping centre but with no speaking. Jenna finally decided to break the silence. "So your father told me about earlier, sweetie," Jenna had a habit of calling everyone sweetie. "And while we were out we had a chat," "What about?" I asked, curious. "Well we know that you aren't happy, and I'm taking you to a counsellor," "No! Jenna please don't!" "Your father asked me to," "You don't have to do anything he says!" "Yes I do," "Why?" "He'll tell everyone my secret." I decided to ask her about the secret another time. We sat once again in silence until we reached the counsellors office, where we were greeted by a skinny blonde receptionist, I looked at her name tag which read Kylee. She looked like she was a model but was getting just a little bit too old. "Hi welcome, do you have an appointment?" She asked cheerily "Yes I'm Jenna and this is Amber we have an appointment for 10:30." "Ah yes have a seat Dr Robin will see you in 5 minutes, he's a little later than scheduled today." The waiting area was empty and silent except for Kylee's computer clicks. When I finally got to see the counsellor, Dr Robin, she asked what was wrong "Well Amber has been really depressed and has been flairing out for no reason whatsoever," replied Jenna "Well Mrs Green you can wait in the waiting area," "Okay Amber be good." With that Jenna left and it was just me and her. Dr Robin made a face with a big grin and beady eyes, "So Amber just lie down here and let me ask you a few questions," "Ok" I said, anxious "When do you feel happy?" "I don't," "When was the last time you were truly happy?" I froze. Should I tell her about Aaron? No, I was very happy then but it only lasted a minute. "I don't know," I had a flashback of when I was little. It was with mum and dad. We were laughing and playing. "Was it before your mother died?" She asked my sympathetically. I felt a tear sting my eye. I got up and ran out of the office passing Jenna on the way out. So here I am. In the tree house again where I met Aaron. I'm curled up in the corner crying. I notice that Aaron has added some chairs and a small table to the hiding spot in the woods. "Amber?" I heard a voice call out. "Amber is that you?" It was Aaron. "Yes," I sobbed. "Are you okay? I'm coming up," he called back So I saw him climb up. He came over to me and sat down. He held me and stroked my hair "What's happened?" He asked. I was about to reply when I heard a crack, I looked up at Aaron. He was pale. Then another crack, Aaron pushed me out of the tree house. I fell the five metres to the ground. I looked up and saw the tree had a huge crack in the middle. Then suddenly it collapsed.

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