Translate   11 years ago

Us, The Earth And The Universe! A lot of young students have been getting there results for exams lately and I remember the days of getting mine! The nerves, and the thoughts of what's going to happen next. Mostly negative! "What am I going to do if I get bad grades?" But what annoys me is the fact that the people who failed or didn't do very well aren't too bothered because they can retake! What's the point of doing years of studying if you can redo the exams anyway! But the main thing that annoys me is everything you need to "pass" through #life is on a piece of paper! Exam results, references, marriage records, mortgages, bills. And to help to get a job you have to right a personal statement! Which, as we all know, is awkward; unless you're big headed and/or vain! You very rarely get a job on #life experience. Which brings me to my main point! We are just a tiny minority in the eyes of Space! So may planets, stars, galaxies! Highly likely that there is other lid out there! There's so much left to discover on our own planet, never mind other planets and other galaxies. So I often think when I am in a sticky situation that there's more to #life out there. Maybe we won't know anymore about it in our #lifetimes, but it's great to ponder. I could talk for hours about the unknown but I've kept it small! ...JSKay...

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