Forgotten. Chapter 1 I'm Scared. I'm all alone. I have no friends. My family hates me ever since mum died and dad remarried. They don't even care about me, if they did they would have came looking for me. It all started 6 months ago, when mum died of cancer. I loved her so much, it was always just her dad and I ever since I was born, so it was a huge shock when mum died. The funeral was two weeks later, it rained all day. I read the #poem out loud that I wrote for her when I was little and I cried all the way through. Dad didn't even show up. I got a lift with one of mums old friends. When I got home dad was just sitting on the sofa not doing anything. He was just sitting there. The house seemed strangely empty without mum. A month later dad met another woman called Jemma who was in her late thirties and she had two little girls Brooklyn, 8 and Juliet, 4 from another marriage. Dad fell in love again and married Jemma, Brooklyn Juliet and I were bridesmaids. I hated it. When Dad met Jemma he started to neglect me and he clearly loved Brooklyn and Juliet more. Dad put in a swing set, slide and two hammocks for them. No one even notices me anymore. I always thought that that mum and dad would always love me no matter what. I guess I was wrong. School wasn't much better, I had no friends, no one noticed me I just stood at the edge of the playground on my own. On my 12th birthday Jemma dad and the girls just carried on normally I thought it was best not to mention it incase there was a surprise party for when I got home. There was no party. 3 days after was the end of the school term, when I got home dad and Jemma were packing things away. How odd I thought. I went up to my room to get homework for the holidays over and done with, when I heard a knock at my door it was my stepsisters they told me that "we are moving house to a house somewhere far away, I can't wait." I was mortified. I hurried the girls out of my room and talked aloud to myself. How on earth could I leave this place? waborn here. Mum
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