Translate   11 years ago

Hello Again To save you all the commenting business of 'welcome to opuss Hunny' I'm just going to say..hello it's me mystical..let's just say I forgot my password and is currently waiting for Honza to answer my email, incase you ding know, I started opuss round about when I was 9/10 ..I think, on different accounts, and now I'm here, much more matured, as I no longer pretend to be people I'm not, and I don't hide behind a fake name, I'm Amy...and that's not me, this is probably the most pointless post in the entire opuss community..but I guess it's just to say hi, I'm saddened that I've lost my 200 followers, and if that doesn't suck I don't know what does, but I love you all, and I love opuss to...I'm trying to make this post sound long but it's probably pointless to I'm just saying hi...and I'm gonna stop now .. So bye!

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