In His Shadow Chapter -1- I couldn't breath. I tried turning but the place was too tight, it was dark and smelled funny. I had claustrophobia damn it! I tried to turn again but my hands were stuck by my sides, i felt movement. I listened and there was muffled sounds, people talking. But the damn box was too thick so i couldn't make out what they were saying. I thought about the last thing i remembered before i woke up in this hell hole. I don't know how long i have been in here but the last thing i remember was stumbling out of the club, drunk. It was one of my friends birthday so we used our fake IDs to go into a club, the night went fast and the entire time i felt watched but didn't pay much attention to it, silly me. When i stepped out of the club for some fresh air, i saw a shadow behind me and that's the last thing i remember. I listened closely, there were at least two people around talking, i think one was a female. We stopped and i heard a rattling sound so i closed my eyes and faked sleeping then the box opened. A raspy deep voice said " i know you are awake shaw". I opened my eyes to one of the strangest eyes i have ever seen, i couldn't decide if it was blue or gray, it looked like floating ice. I looked at the rest of the face, holly shit. He had the most beautiful face ever created, perfect bone structure, full lips, straight nose, jet black hair. perfection. " hello", he said coldly. I sat up and saw the two other people, a blond guy with brown eyes and a black haired girl with black eyes. The guy smiled"don't freak her out ben, hey i'm thad", he came and extended his hand, i just looked at it. The girl came to stand beside thad, she was really pretty. " i'm Emilia, you can call me em, this" she smiled at thad, " is my boyfriend thad and that brooding guy is bennett, my brother" I tried to presses all of this" this is all so fascinating but what the hell does that have to do with me? Did you kidnap me?", i was seriously freaking out. Thad looked at em and then at me" you are not safe", he stated. " what?", i squeaked. Mr. Brooding came forward" he is right you are not safe". " safe? Safe from what? And what does that have to do with you?", i glared at him. He looked into my eyes" it has everything to do with me", he came closer ," i'm your shadow". I think i heard him wrong" my what?" His eyes shifted, it was defiantly blue" shadow".
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Olivia Hart <3
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