There Are No Children Left In an attemp to comprehend the atrocities in Gaza, I try to get into the head of right wing israelis, who have actually chanted "there are no children left in Gaza" "There are no children left" they sing to the beat of the bombs Gayly regailing death and so the killers sing their songs "They have threatened our existence and have assailed us at every turn So we have reddened their resistance and watched their children burn Civilians are casualties and so they are casually slain Millions dead is a masterpiece in the eyes of we who inflict pain But what of these hornets savagely stinging at our skin We do naught but protect ourselves and for good measure we kill their kin For what can be expected from a people so oppressed We are the victims of injustice, our lands wrongly dispossessed As you peer through your fingers, you ask of the girls and boys Why, what do you expect, this is war, where mines are the cheapest of toys Listen to what we tell you, we've known the worst We've made our homes hell-proof, while their children die from thirst So look no further, for what you see is not true, It's worse than you couls have imagined and we're ready to tell you Take a seat and watch as we put on a show We've lied to you many times, even you must know Can't you hear them cheering on, "There are no children left" Please pardon my ignorance, I didn't know you were deaf

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