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The Camping Trip Chapter 1 The Beginning "Hey, Reyna! You ready yet?" A voice yelled while going up the stairs. "Almost! Just let me find my notebook!" The voice, Reyna, yelled back. "Well, hurry up! Tony called and said he'd be here in ten minutes!" "Tony? Why is your boyfriend picking us up, Rebecca?" Reyna asked as she poked her head out of the bedroom. Rebecca walked the rest of the stairs then walked over to Reyna. "Look I forgot to tell you that Tony is coming with us. You just have to get over it, alright?" Reyna looked at her in shock. "When were you going to tell me? On the way there? Or were you just going to keep it all a secret like last time we went on a trip and one of your boyfriends just showed up randomly?" Reyna looked at her in the eyes. "Reyna lo- " The door was slammed shut in front of her. "Reyna, come on!" Rebecca yelled as she pounded one hand on the door. "Look I know you don't really like hi- " "He's your fourth boyfriend in two months. I'm getting tired of all your lousy boyfriends coming on trips with us." The door opened and Reyna walked out, notebook in one hand and her iPod and headphones in the other. "I know you don't like him, but the camping trip we're going on is going to be fun! Trust me." Rebecca smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Besides, at least Dad isn't coming on the trip with us this time." She said. Reyna lifted her head to look at her. "Then we should go before he comes home from work." Reyna said as she broke free from the hug. As soon as they broke free from their hug Rebecca's phone went off. "It must be Tony." She said and took her phone out of her pocket and checked it. "He says he's sitting outside now. So go get your backpack. I will be waiting in the car with Tony, okay?" Rebecca said as she started walking down the stairs. Reyna turned back toward her room and went inside. She walked towards her bed and grabbed her backpack. She opened it and put her notebook inside and her iPod and headphones in her pocket. She then slung her backpack over her shoulder and walked out of her room while shutting the door behind her. Reyna walked down the stairs and towards the door. She opened the door and walked out. Reyna turned and closed it while locking the door shut and putting the key back in her other pocket. "Hurry up Reyna! Or we'll leave you behind!" Rebecca said while smiling all innocent like. "Yea, yea I'm coming." Reyna said while opening the back door of the car. "Hey Reyna. How are you doing?" Tony asked as he started backing out of the driveway. "I'm doing fine." Reyna said as she buckled her seat belt and put her backpack on the floor of the car. "You ready for the camping trip kiddo?" Rebecca asked when she looked in the rear view mirror and smiled. "Hey! I told you not to call me that!" Rebecca and Tony started laughing. So? How was it? I would love to know! Cat outta here! :3

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