One Of Those People I'm one of those people who takes everything personal. If I see a person in need, I will help them, and in that process, I will absorb their feelings, like it's me that has to be sad. I guess I feel comfortable that way; sad, that is.. I have been feeling sad for quite a while, and I have no intentions of pulling myself together. I dont want to pick up the pieces of my shattered #life or my broken heart; 'cause I'm comfortable. I feel safe when I'm alone. When you're alone, nobody can hurt you, right? Right. I can't read a sad book og watch a sad movie, 'cause afterwards, I'll be sad, or even sometimes depressed.. Empty.. I could cry for hours or just sit, and stare, with nothing to say, no words, no feelings.. Or maybe I just have too many feelings. I simply feel too much. As I'm sitting here writing, I have a big lump in my throat. I could start crying right now. And it's all just because I just watched 'The Last Song'. It's truly a sad story, about a girl that looses her dad, that she hasn't really been close to since her and her little brothers parents split up. Throughout the summer, she gets to really know her dad again and finds herself having a great time with him, but she also finds out that he's really sick, and then, he just dies.. And I cried, and I cried hard. And I still do. And i guess I just put myself in the situation always.. And it really hurts that I have to be this overly emotional all the damn time.. I'm tired of it. Of feeling. I think I'm gonna switch the button soon; the button that allows you to turn off your feelings.. Doesn't that sound great? Not having a care in this horrible world? I'd love that.
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