Tradurre   11 anni fa

Small Miracle So if you read my last blog you will understand the amount of disappointment in the British weather especially on Saturdays. Well, yesterday I was proven wrong. All week the weather forecast was set for rain yesterday, all day long I might add! With a heavy heart I went up to the club expecting to go home shortly after. Upon arrival, I was told that the game was not called off yet, but they were waiting for an hour or so to see if the rain stops, even though it said rain all day. 2pm approached and in one last stroll onto the pitch I noticed a tiny bit of blue sky in the distance and to my delight it kept on coming towards us. To my delight the clouds parted and blue skies and warm temperatures arrived, everyone was pleased about this as most were all ready to go home. It turned out to be a good day for me but also a bad one, as I made 77 runs whilst batting, in a team innings which seemed to struggle early on and after I was caught. So the second innings began and the clouds rolled in again, very dark rain clouds, and to my disgust, the heavens opened, and heavy rain fell from the sky. Fortunately, the rain lasted around 10 minutes and we were able to continue with the match, it turned out to be an unhappy experience in the field for me as I came on to bowl, nothing was going right, wide balls, and struggling with line and length. After 3 overs of what can only be described as dross, I noticed a sharp pain in my knee and an ache in both of my legs. I carried on and it became gradually worse. Towards the end of the game it came to the point where I couldn't walk but on occasion I had to run for the ball which ironically was less painful than just moving my legs. Thankfully, we won the game and to my delight the opportunity to go home and rest my legs which was a godsend for me. I hope that they are fine for next Saturday for a vital game against top of the table Wilmslow, the weather is set fair for Saturday so hopefully it will stay like that.

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