Translate   11 years ago

War hammer. Part3. We charged into the enemy with all our might. the enemy lined up there archer behind there infantry. but they had no Calvary. we did the same. But we had charged are Calvary in to the side of there forces are arrows were going over there shield wars and getting hits on there heads we then charged are infantry in to them because they had lost so many infantry them selfs so they were forced to retreat but they fell to fast no body could escape so we took there infantry to sell them in a tavern me and the king left the battle field then the king decided to grant the castle to him self then I went to the tavern in my temple and I bought some troops to steal loot from the enemy at night. Two weeks later I hade made I profit of 786767 denars. and I had Garson in my temple of 585 and my party was 584. The next night I woke up from the camp and there were two letters both saying lizard men are destine to lay waste to the empire of light elves at 12 at night how un easy how they will stop us un known its not possible to stop what as all ready started.

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