Traduzir   11 anos atrás

Pupa This is the manga and the anime combined into a written story, I don't own any of this. Prologue When I was young my dad use to hit my mom. She won't do anything to stop him, she just sat quietly and allowed him to continue to hit her. When he got bored of her, he would hit me and my younger sister. My mom acted like she didn't know that he was hitting us. My dad would laugh and say, "This is your reality." I couldn't do anything to stop him from hitting us, but I could protect my younger sister. I would shield her from him with my body. Sometimes it would work, other times it won't. Soon time passed and my mom and dad got a divorce. I thought that would the end of the nightmare, but it didn't. My mom meet a young man and ran away with him. Leaving me and my sister alone. I had to protect and take care for my sister by myself. Chapter 1 A young girl sat on a park bench alone. She waited every day on that bench for her older brother, but that day he was taking longer than usual. A tall lady wearing a black dress and a large black hat walked up to the girl. In the lady's arms was a cat. "You better get going," The lady said to the girl, "Before you see the red butterflies." The girl looked up with a confused look on her face. The lady walked away, leaving the girl alone in the park. The girl sighed, her brother was taking a long time. She looked up and saw that the park lights were turning on. Flying next to the lights were the prettiest red butterflies she had every seen. "Such big butterflies!" The girl said admiring the butterflies. "Their so pretty, I've never seen anything like them!" The bushes next to the bench started to rustle. A dog limped out of the bushes. "Are you hurt?" The girl asked and walked towards the dog. Suddenly the dog's eye falls out of his eye socket. Then dog's skin split open and it's insides spill out. The girl jumped back. The butterflies flew closer to the girl and the girl fainted. A boy walked up to the girl laying on the ground in the middle of the park. The boy looked like the girl. Both the boy and the girl had light brown hair and they wore similar uniforms school. "Yume?" The boy crouched beside the girl and scooped her up into his arms. "What happened to you, Yume?" The boy asked the girl. "Awake up Yume!" Yume opened her eyes to find herself in a dark place. Red butterflies flew around her. In her arms was a teddy bear. Yume looked down at the bear. It's eye was dangling out of it's head and it's stuffing was spilling out of it's stomach. "Oh no..." Yume says softly, "Yours insides are coming out..." "That's the same with you, right?" The bear looked up at Yume and smiled. Yume dropped the bear. Her eyes widen. She blinked and the blackness disappears and is replaced by her brother's face. "Brother..." Yume said softly. His face was covered with blood. He stared at her with horror. "Why are you making that face?" Yume asked. People were lying on the ground next to him. They were covered with blood and they weren't breathing. Yume looked down at her hands, they were big, pink, had huge claws and were covered with blood. *What is this...? Is hand?* Yume wondered and then she remembered the weird dream she had with the butterflies and the bear. *Is this my insides?*

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