Translate   11 years ago

I'm Falling I'm falling through the abyss. There is nothing here but darkness, emptiness, silence. Am I dead? Perhaps, but I cannot truly tell. I am a fleeting consciousness that is not truly alive. I know nothing. I am nothing. How am I able to communicate? How is this possible? Are you, perhaps, insane? You ask too much. Remember that I know no answer. I know nothing. I am nothing. I have no body, no soul, no heart or spirit; yet I feel. I can only feel, or perhaps the better term is perceive. Agony. Dread. Wrath. Desolation. These are the notes of my symphony. I feel. I feel. I feel. I fall. I know nothing. I am nothing. Do not tell me to find an illuminating grace. It will be a futile search. Light is nonexistent here. It is an illusion. An ideal. There is nothing. Nothing here. There will always be nothing. Nothing is all it will ever be. I am falling through an eternal abyss. I am nothing. There is nothing. Nothing is all it will ever be.

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