Translate   11 years ago

@PuffyFluff2 Deathly Wasters "Yeah when you have recovered you know better" emerald didn't reply because she got lost in jack the #life guards, eyes. Emerald are yo..?" Asked the #life guard when she didn't reply. The nurse came throng the door cutting jack off in mid sentence. "There is some good news" exclaimed the nurse. The good news was that emerald could come out of hospital. She was only allowed to do so because there were two new patients. "Who are they?" Asked jack. It was defending for jack to hear the news. "The new people are the mother and farther of a jack ruby?" Jack sat in despair as the nurse said that they had lost there #life eat sea aswell. Jack was so sad " I've got know one to be with and no house" sobbed jack. " it's ok hove got me and my family" emerald told jack reassuringly , "but there not my family " exclaimed jack. " I reckon they might be one day " said emerald cheekily. chapter 3 It was emeralds 20th birthday and they were still with jack. From her mums do dad she got a photo of her and the sea.

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