Translate   11 years ago

A Story For @puffyFluff2 Emerald didn't want this morning to effect her mind so she went out and did what she did best, she surfed the waves like a pro. But something terrible happend. Crack. Emerald board swerved out of control knocking her off her board and into the dark cold ocean, everything went black. The #life guard jumped in to save emerald who was oblivious to her surroundings the #life guard swam towards her and tried to pull her back to the shore. This was hard as the icy cold was battered and thrashed emeralds body. Chapter 2 "Is she ok, can I come in." Asked the #life guard. Of course you can you saved her #life, we are gratefull for anything. ."How long has she been asleep for now?" Questioned the #life guard. "2 years now" answered mother. The #lifeguard asked for time alone with emerald, so mum and dad left the room. "Emerald I know you can hear me. I can't live with you being this way." Exclaimed the #life guard, " it hurts emerald, it hurts " suddenly there was a noise. "Emerald your awake yes thank god you fine yes I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the beach?" " I'm lying here in hospital dumbo" emerald giggled in a flirting way.

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