This Succulent It's unmistakably #life changing once seen up close, for its right to be bared is unmatched by any other growing, although through simple implications this can only reveal nothing more than jinx and folly by the one whom receives such a truth through word, unforced of its realness by the the consumer himself, no need to gloat or greedy entitlement when the owner seeks and finds and holds onto it forever, a delicate rarity, but when found, so edible and pleasant to the taste, it's pure in perpetuation, leads to a guided light which burst from the seams, cavities of light empale the eater with bliss to a jovial atrophy, no longer is impatience, various uncomfortable distorted and dissolved into this eminence of graceful beauty in the form of a passive gleam surrounding the user, all that is unnatural dusts away with no remembrance of such disgusting feelings, but only the provider knows this, as the consumption originates there and nowhere before shared with the rest, so until another can share the beautification of such an organic spore to blossom to fruits in glory, sharing is the only source for visible energy to be spread amongst the world.

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  • En colère