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Kit Kat Complaint Letter I bought a Kit Kat. It was absent wafer. It made be sad , so I wrote this letter of complaint and posted it! Dear Sir, Firstly, may I convey my appreciation to you on re-introducing the Kit Kat Chunky Orange flavour, albeit for a limited time only. It truly is a marvel of chocolate loveliness. I regularly purchase this fine chocolate bar and am thoroughly impressed with the perfect mix of chocolatey goodness and crispy wafer crunchiness. On Thursday 5th June 2014 I purchased a Kit Kat Chunky Orange bar from the Sainsbury’s local store in Stockton Heath. I headed back to my place of work with the bar in my pocket, resisting the temptation to rip the wrapper and devour the bar whilst walking in anticipation of sitting down for a well-earned rest. I was indeed looking forward to the time I could actually ‘have a break, have a kit kat.’ After a short while I was finally able to take time out of my busy day to sit and savour the delicious bar with a cup of freshly brewed tea. I sat down and carefully unwrapped the special edition wrapper to my most highly anticipated treat. My senses were overjoyed at the orange fragrance emanating from the newly torn foil wrapping. I was salivating at the thought of biting through the thin layer of silky chocolate and crunching down on the crispy wafer filling underneath. The crunch really is the pinnacle of the Kit Kat experience. Other bars may compare on the orange chocolate scale however it is the crispy wafer which sets the Kit Kat apart. Imagine my disappointment when I bit into the bar and almost broke my tooth when I found that the bar I had purchased was absent the crispy wafer I so longed for. After the initial shock of the solid block of chocolate refusing to crack open in its usual submissive way I was filled with a kind of melancholy I have not experienced since first finding Milli Vanilli did not actually sing lead vocals on their chart topping hits such as ‘Girl You Know Its True.’ Hoping against all hope I then turned the bar around and hesitantly bit into the opposite end of the bar in a vain attempt to find the crispy wafer my taste buds yearned for. Again, disappointment hit me like a sledgehammer in the pit of my stomach as I realized my quest for crispy was in vain. Ordinarily I would have chomped away at the remainder of the chocolate however, as stated earlier, it was the Kit Kat crispy my heart was set on. If I simply wanted orange flavour chocolate I would in all honestly have purchased a Terrys Chocolate Orange. The level of despondency I felt made eating the remainder of the chocolate an experience I simply could not put myself through. It has taken me by complete surprise how much this has affected me. I am usually a stoic and upstanding member of society but I now feel the urge to play EMO youth favourites ‘Fall out Boy’ and ‘My Chemical Romance’ on a loop on my mp3 player. I have posted the offending bar back to you as evidence of the grave error your company has made in the manufacturing process. I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that this experience has destroyed my faith in the whole Kit Kat experience. I am patiently awaiting your reply. Yours faithfully Jay

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