Another Day I've got through another day, I honestly think I'm here to stay. Today's been hard, I've been upset, But there's this one thing, I shouldn't forget. That if I can get through worse times, Today wasn't really that bad, Even though when it's over, I'd be ever so glad. I'm proud of battling through it, I'm proud of letting go, Of all the things that dragged me down, And made this horrid day go slow. Just remember if your struggling, And I know it's easy to say, That tomorrow won't be yesterday, It'll be a fresh start, another day. So keep the smile on your face, And whisper now goodnight. You, my love are so so strong, You got through today, you won the fight. T xox
Sienna Williamson
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Tyla Millard
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Lucius Lannister
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Tyla Millard
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