Translate   10 years ago

My Russian Adoption #life hasn't always been easy for me. When I was born I had no idea what what going on. When I was five I started to know what my parents were like. My mom was a drunk and a smoker just like my Dad. My mom slept around with a lot of guys. I didn't know what was happening but I knew it wasn't good. I lived in a home with plastic bags for windows and barely any food. I loved my parents I really did but they had no idea how to be a parent. When I was six years old I was walking down a road when a white van pulled up and took me. My parents just stood there watching the people take me away. I was screaming and crying I had absolutely no idea where I was going or why. When we reached the destination it was an orphanage. I knew why I was there. My parents didn't know how to take care of a child and they weren't fit enough to be parents. While I was in the orphanage I got beat by a belt almost every night because I wouldn't eat my food or couldn't fall asleep at the right time. I didn't really understand why someone would hurt a six year old for not eating. While I was in there my parents called once every four months or so. My Grandma and big brother came to visit me. My brother lived with my Grandma because she was sick and she needed someone to take care of her. When I turned eight a lot of Americans came to adopt children from the orphanage. I was lucky enough to get picked by a great family. I thought I would never get adopted but I did. I was very lucky. My family makes me happy. I always think what if I'm not good enough for this family.. What if they leave me like my biological family left me.. What if they don't accept me? This runs through my head almost every night. I think about my real family everyday. They will always mean a lot to me. One day I plan to go see them when I'm older. And when I see them I will tell them about my great childhood from when I was eight till that day. I am fifteen now and I love my family. I've been doing well and I have great friends and a girlfriend and I play sports and I love to write. I would love to become a writer one day. So that's my story. My adopted story.

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