Translate   12 years ago

Don't you love it when you've had a bag of crisps(potato chips in America), and at the end you pore the remaining crumbs into the funnel that is your mouth.The bottom of the bag is where all the flavour resides, hiding. But you can't escape your fate, I'll find you. Sometimes I even crumble up the last mouthful of crisps(chips) and turn the finale of flavourful crumbs into a gob filling treat. The flipside to this fantastic episode is when you initially rip into your bag of potato chips(crisps)or whatever you call em') and rupture the corners so badly, when the packet rips so severely that any crumb eating finale is rendered impossible. But wait, what about the other side, surely the other side promises rich, powdery, crumbly morsels possible of pouring into my greedy gob(mouth). But alas no, the initial opening of the bag was to catastrophic to succeed.. I'll just have to make do with ripping the bag into a flat sheet of foil, and licking the inside. Mmmmmm cheese&onion(prawn cocktail)or whatever your favourite may be).

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