Once Again You said you were going to change be yourself around him and not care anymore, but you left it too late and once again let that person drift away and they will never know how much you tried but you just couldn't. Im so sorry for being that type of person with no confidence, shy around certain people and those she feels like she cannot fully trust. Scared to show her true side to you the side she loves to be but just can't around you, so instead she hides inside this shell that never comes off in front of you. Everyday its on my mind i can't concentrate because of you, if i told you you wouldn't understand so instead i let you drift... I gave up had no real feelings and then throughout the days it built up and it hit me i acted fine as if i didn't care when really i did. I cared a lot everything inside built up and i'm layed here crying myself to sleep. If only i could of let you in I'm scared of getting close to anyone because i haven't let anyone get close in awhile and then you came along. I wish i could be the person i want to be most-myself i hate myself for it. I hate myself for messing up every single time i get upset about it, because i left it too late its over and now were back at the beginning of being strangers passing each other every day and i can't look at you for it.

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