Translate   10 years ago

I Quit It's Whatever Who cares what I write now no one who read my other stuff will probably see this I made a new one before this and got locked out it's like this site is against me but I'm drawn to it and it makes me crazy I can't get into my real account I'm just sad plain and simple but I love to write it's how I deal with #life it's part of who I am it's how I copy it's the only way I get my feelings out it's like opuss became my bestfriend who's always there for me till now of course gettin locked out and all but I got this new one and I won't log out of this one unless I hear from opuss and they help me get back in my real account so may memories there 79 posts all stuck in a page I can't get into I can read the page but it's not the same I'm no longer in control of it :-(

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