SPONGEBOB! (real#life im talking about here) so on saturday i went to my friends 11th b-day party, we did a scavenger hunt after that we Had a pinyata, after dat we went inside, me rowan, lui sekgabo, eliza holly milly charley souley max. and shawn, went to go watch spongebob-and uh this is what happend. *spongebob comes on TV* Us: SPONGEBOB SQARE PANTS! SPONGEBOB SQARE PANTS! SPONGE--BOB SQAAARE PAANTS! TOOTIYY TOOTITY TOOT TOOT TOOT! Me:i love spongebob Sekgabo: same i love it! Lui: SHUT UP! Me: chill lui Lui: SHUDDUP Me: Ok ok.. *practicly hypnotised by spongebob until* Souley: i dont wanna watch this! *runs and snatches remote* Shawn: Max grab the remote! Max: *grabs remote from souley* Rowan: Max give it here! Max: *throws to rowan* catch! Rowan: Lui catch! Lui: *catches remote* holly catch it! Holly: *catches* Eek!! Eliza catch it!! Eliza(b-day gurl) got it! charley catch Charley(girl): No no no! eek *throws to milly* *laughs* Milly: Oh no! uh eek! Holly! Souley: *catches before Holly* *presses random button tv goes static* Us: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! SOULEY CHANGE IT BACK!! Souley: Oh ummm i dont know how.. Eliza: Dad! souley's messing up the TV! Eliza's Dad: Souley pack it in! Souley: Noooo *throws remote on floor* Us: NOOOOOOOOO SPONGEBOB!!! mhmm random day it was! as you saw in wat i wrote i didnt say much and that becuase im a bit quiet, in front of my mates im a lunatic. so umm yeah..

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