Uriah And Marlene I walk with Uriah and Marlene to the chasm. We were talking about Uriah's job as a Dauntless leader. "What's the matter with you? Are you crazy? You're a Dauntless leader! That's like, the best job you can ever have." says Marlene. Uriah was saying how he doesn't want to be a leader anymore. "It's just so boring sometimes, sitting at a desk all day, signing contracts, listening to Evelyn ramble on and on about what would be best for the factions even though she has no right to be trying to change how Dauntless works. She's only the Abnegation leader and nothing else and-" "Um, Uriah? You're babbling again..." I interject. "Sorry." he apologizes "It's just so frustrating. Which is why I can do this anymore!" His hands are in his hair, ready to pull them out. Two years ago, I chose the job as a tattoo artist, working full time as Tori's assistant. We've gotten to be real close friends as a result. Of course, neither of us mentions what happened in the Erudite headquarters, when I was fighting to keep Jeanine Matthews alive and she just wanted her dead. She called me a traitor for a long time after that, even after Evelyn declared that I wasn't after I went under the truth serum. Marlene works with Tobias, as an initiate instructor so I get daily updates of her work #life and Tobias, which is great because our busy schedules keep us working most of the time. We only get to see each other on the weekends. "You think you have it easy? Try coping with ten to fifteen petty teens on a daily basis. It'll drive you insane!" contradicts Marlene. Apparently, there's a Candor transfer named Cody who can't keep his mouth shut and gets on her nerves every chance he gets. "I think Cody is just doing it on purpose at this point." "Well that's why you have me, to keep you sane." says Uriah with a sly grin and grabs the back of Marlene's head and presses her lips to his. I stare down the chasm, smiling, and side stepping away ever so slightly but Uriah notices and pulls away from Marlene to say with a smile "Where do you think you're going?" I laugh and say, "Being the third wheel isn't really in my nature." Uriah looks at me with one eyebrow arched and doesn't say anything. So I break the silence and add "Plus I need to pee. So you two enjoy yourselves." I wink as I walk away. I don't really need to pee, of course, so I go find something else to do. I decide to go Cristina's apartment to see if she's there. We're such good friends, at this point, we just burst into our apartments. "Cristina!" I call. "Yo!" she calls back. I find her in her kitchen, actually cooking. "Wow, cooking, huh?" I say. Cristina works in the clothing store where we went on our first shopping spree as friends during Dauntless initiation. I've seen her work with fabric as she cuts and sows them together with swift movements, never faltering. But never in your friendship have I seen her legitimately cook. She's making a soup of some sort with potatoes and carrots and a bunch of other things. "I know! Crazy, huh? Dawn gave me this cook book she had. She said it belonged to her mother but neither her or her mother really cooks so I said I'll give it a try!" Dawn is Cristina's coworker. I've seen her a couple and had about two friendly conversations with her. She has long blue hair with green highlights and so many piercings that I've lost count. No tattoos though. Some times, when I pass by their shop, I can hear her sing to herself at the cash register. And every time I hear her, I tell her that she has an amazing singing voice but she would just turn away, nervously. I hear another voice coming from the living room and I crane my neck to see that it's Will talking to Al about whatever they're watching on the television. They were quiet when I came in. I turn to Cristina. "I didn't realize you had company." I say with a smile and walk over to plop down next to Will. "Tris!" He gives me a huge bear hug. I laugh and say, "Yes, my name is Tris. I'm glad you noticed." He smiles at me and says, "Wow. I haven't seen you in what, a billion years?" "It's been a week, Will." "Close enough." He replies. I turn to Al, who is mostly focused on a football game. "Hey Al. How you been?" I ask. "I'm good actually. Oh, before I forget, I just saw Four like, ten minutes ago. Says he's looking for you." "Really?" I say, with a little too much enthusiasm. "Yeah," He says. "He said that if I see you then I should tell you to go see him in his apartment." Cristina walks in and sits down next to Al. "Sorry I couldn't stay for longer." I say to her. It takes all I can muster to not just run out the door and go see Tobias. "That's alright." Cristina says with a smile. "You go get busy." She says with a wink. And I just look at her. She wiggles her eyebrows. "You know, a little adding and multiplication?" It's silent until I finally say, "You're sick, you know that?" She, along with Will and Al, fall back on the couch laughing their heads of and I let myself out
Princess Harriet of Arendelle
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