Translate   10 years ago

Annoying neighbours. When you get a new neighbour you expect them to be friendly and polite. Nope. My new neighbour has a daughter who keeps thinking that it is alright to come into my garden. It isn't and I always scare her of with a shotgun. Don't panic people I'm not a murdering sociopath. I have a license for it. Anyway when is acre her off her mother always comes to my front door demanding that I tell her why I pointed a gun at her daughter. I tell her that I have every right to scare trespassers of of my property. She doesn't like this and threatens to call the police. Go ahead love and I'll simply tell them I was chasing off a trespasser. This does my head in. They also play loud music which is ok during the afternoon, but not at stupid hours of the night say 2 o'clock in the morning. Their daughters annoying but their son thinks that he is hard. He isn't. He came swaggering up to me being a cocky little s**** but when he saw my Rottweiler he ran like a coward.

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