перевести   11 лет назад

The Return-1 It was a peaceful spring morning in arendelle, I preferred the snow. Birds tweeted away, thier music filling the crisp dawn air. I opened my eyes and went to my frosted window and frowned. I turned to my bedside cabinet to grab a cloth wich then dripped icy water all over my nightdress. I simply shrugged and worked away at cleaning the window. I saw the townspeople happily chatting and shopping. Then one screamed and pointed to beside me. I looked. Hans. He stood by me like I was his. I turned to run but be grabbed my wrist. "Help!" I screamed. Anna ran to the door way. He pulled me out the door and out of the castle. He kept dragging me toward the port. I saw Bethany and Harriet stood like statues. Tears streamed down my face as I was tied upon the ship which soon set sail.

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