Translate   10 years ago

The Day The Aliens Came To Earth. Prologue: Nobody knows where the aliens came from. They just appeared from the sky and slowly took over the earth. They did not tolerate any resistance and would destroy one with extreme force and extreme prejudice. My name is Jessica Sanchez and this is the story of the aliens occupation of earth. Chapter 1. " hurry up, they could come back any minute" I said to Benny. He just looked at me and told me not to worry because the aliens would be busy investigating the explosion that we had caused as a diversion to get into one of the aliens facilities to snoop around and look for any information on alien movement. Suddenly I heard a sound coming closer to the building, and looked out of a window. When I saw the aliens were coming back I told Benny, he swore and said" we need to get out of here, because if the catch us them we are dead". I agreed with him and said" let's go". When we got outside we started to run in the opposite direction of the facility and had made it almost half way when one of the aliens, spotted us and alerted the others. They turned around and aimed their weapons and fired. Benny was hit in the back and was killed by an energy bolt. I got away and made it to the resistance headquarters, and reported that we hadn't got any intel on the enemy and that we had lost Benny to an alien laser round.

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