Traducciones   11 años

Letter To Hand Dear Mr Pen in hand lead the way Guide ingenuity and gusto to its grave Write words these lips of mine refuse to say Set in stone my lament cry Imprint it deep Expose the dark to light Withhold no wrath Mercy does not want to be found Chastise and Chisel a little From there I shall climb to the highest hill Open the casket for this soul of silent strife To set its feet towards rocky roads Create A memoir to admonish its love and unselfish pride Pour every ounce of its tears on this page as they continue to fall anew with every line and every word to every space Give meaning to those deaf ears Open the minds of the blind Bring forth charisma In a place frozen Bring a star to melt away the ice Clarity in disparity ease the turbulence Transparency through many thorns Pain for a Rose worth far more than precious gold Play me a note to sing myself fast asleep to lodge where my distinctiveness finds peace

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