übersetzen   11 Jahre

The Beggining Someone scooped me into their arms, but they were ice cold. "Shh, let her sleep," said a voice. I tried to stay awake, but I drifted off into the blackness... When I awoke, I was in a small room with a bed. I changed into the clothes that were on the end of my bed, and as I had finished, someone came through the door. "My name is Jane," she announced "Welcome to Volterra." Her crimson red eyes frightened me, but I knew they were good. "Thank You," I said "You need to meet Aro. He will confer with his brothers on whether you can stay." She told me She then walked out the room and I followed. She led me to a huge room, where three men were waiting. "Ah, Lilly, piccolo bambino. May I take your hand?" Said the one who I guessed to be Aro I offered him my hand, and he took it. It looked like he could see something. "Ah," he said "il bambino dotato. The gifted Child." I didn't understand. Gifted? Me? I looked into his ruby red eyes curiously "And it seems, she doesn't know of this gift," he continued "don't worry, il mio bambino, we will protect you here. There are people who would want you, and we will not let that happen." They cared for me after that, and I knew they were good. But I also knew that they weren't human. They didnt explain to me what my gift was, but it scares me the way people treat me, I am only a young girl.

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