Translate   10 years ago

Women. Men like women, that's a fact. Unless you are homosexual. Then you like boys. Not that I have anything against homosexuals. Anyway what men like about women is their legs and their breasts or their rears, and when a guy sees and attractive women they sometimes stare and ogle. Feminists don't like this and think that all men are pigs just for looking at girls. Come on girls, not all men are like that. I'm not and I know a few of my male friends who aren't either. It is just a minority of men. I have a lot of respect for women because they fought for their rights such as being able to vote, being able to drink and smoke. That makes me think WOW. when you hear feminists moaning that men are b******s think to your self. A lot of women can be b****s too. It is an even playing field. Men can be bad but so can women too. So feminists. Stop your bloody moaning.

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