Black Fox-5 Things only got stranger as the day went on, my stomach kept growling at the sight of classroom pet, it started to crave raspberries and grapes. I was really confused at my strange symptoms, so I decided to go to the school library and search up a solution to the strange symptoms I've been experiencing. I started with "craving fruit" and my results were normal so I decided to type in " rodents look delicious, my hair randomly turned black, and I'm craving fruit" my search then sent me to a paranormal sight, I then scrolled through the page and found the answer rather disturbing so I quickly deleted all of my history and turned the computer. I just sat there with my face buried in my hands, and then to my shock cold hands cuffed around my mouth too fast that I didn't get a chance to scream, I was then pulled into the back of the library.........................

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