Translate   10 years ago

Crying!!!! Pt2 Back to the point. The day was good and a busy night was approaching. Don't get me wrong not a mental night, we have done much busier. I had a solid team on so no worries, this was getting routine. The rush started...... Cranking it out, all is good. Start backing up a bit. Where's the burgers?!? Getting low. "Sorry chef the oven wasn't on" I was gona flip! Probably had 40 on order. None. We have a nice menu but let's face it when the busy nights come most people just want a burger or a pizza. Try to battle through with the other 30 order and the 20 with burger on them.... Well what else can I do??? And yes we hit over 50 orders, not covers that's tables so well over 100 meals record is 70 orders so far. .The manager is aware but doesn't care. I have told him we have had a prob and if he could let the customers know we have slowed down a bit.20 min wait on food. Not to bad I don't think? We are quicker but it gives us a bit of breathing room and the punters are happy if they get it sooner. The waiting staff are asking about tables, how long? I'm not angry at them, they have a job to do and I respect that. This should be a cruise,I do my best to get a grip but and get the team moving but we have hit the wall. I ask for the manager. He's out having a fag. I'm lost for words. Even the waitress is laughing when she told me! We have an open kitchen and all I want to do is go fucking mental! Bat shit crazy! I'm not a hot headed chef at all. More methodical I like to think, only ever lost my temper twice in 18 years so far. I ask myself what went wrong and what I done wrong? I speak to my sous chefs. They have been here longer than me. They tell me I am doing everything right. Do what's went went wrong?!!!.???!? I get I've brushed over the ins and outs of it and you may think the burgers are the culprit but they are not. They are merely the catalyst for the snowball of events. It hit me like nothing I've felt before. I sent the guys for a cigarette break. I don't smoke. When that came back they kept asking if I was ok. I thought I was but it became clear I was not. The manager asked if I was ok, I told him not to speak to me. I was ready for doing someone! He backed away. The older of my sous

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