Traduire   11 années depuis

Crying!!!!! Pt1 Crying. I'm a grown man, well I thought I was until I found myself almost sobbing at work. The day was awesome to start. Settling in to a new job must always be hard for everyone but I had left a restaurant that I had worked/built/expanded/lived/bleed in for 14 years.If you are gona get in this game it's go hard or go home. If you can handle it you will love it and make the best friends ever. I think it must have something to do with the pressure and long hours standing next to your team mates that you help grow and ultimately become incredible! Everyone told me I had the company waiting for me. I loved my boss,he was great to me and I think he did nurture me in a way no one else did, and in return I made the company millions over the years.But I had to leave. I couldn't take working all weekend Every weekend and never seeing my lady. I went 3 years without a weekend (day)off. And that included my holidays. Only allowed them on week days. I'm not very well educated but let's face it there is a good chance I get paid more than most. My hard work from the age of 15 has paid off. It's not how much you make, it's for how long and what you do with it. I've never paid rent. Left my parents and only ever paid a mortgage. What's the point, your just paying someone else's mortgage.Not bad for a high school drop out. Anyway back to the day in question. It was going well then we had a busy night coming up.

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