If You Really Knew Me [Part2] If you really knew me, you would know that I try, so damn hard to help everyone else around me. You would know that it really hurts when it just gets thrown in my face, or when I'm made to be a fake. You would know what my sensitive subjects are. You would also know that I feel like, you can't save anyone. Not when they refuse your help or claim you're acting. If you really knew me, you would know that I feel like I'm walking a thin line while trying to balance those I care about so we can make it to safety. You would know that it takes a toll on me to care so much, but see the words that don't seem to care at all. You would know that sometimes I feel like Charlie. Witnessing so much pain around me, and wanting to make it all stop. Wanting for everyone to have happy lives. You would also know that, if I fall from the thin line I walk, I don't know that I will get back up.

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