Special 11 MADDIE: I walked out of the restaurant and we all went into Max's car. We all got our own hotel rooms because we couldn't get back to our city before midnight. Keaton was acting really weird and I thought something was up. I didnt ask though it might have been personal. I went into my room and sat down on the chair and watched TV. MAX: Im so confused. I somehow end up staying in a hotel room because some crazy girl off the streets convinced me to. I don't even have a girlfriend. Im not sure how i even got into this mess...... KEATON: I went into my hotel room and stood there for a while. After an hour it started storming and i got a tornado warning. Great. The hotel was shaking and i was actually worried. Oh great. I forgot where their rooms were. I was running and got in the elevator. I thought Maddie was in room 14B on floor 19. Ugh. I better not get answered by some old lady. I ran up to the door and knocked. No answer. I knocked harder and there was still no answer. I opened the door. She was sitting on her bed looking outside with an alarmed look on her face. She had her headphones on. She turned her head and took of her headphones. A siren began to go off. Not good. We both ran down the stairs to the basement when we heard a giant thump and the floor shook. MADDIE: The floor was shaking and I fell and rolled down the stairs. I hit my head on the wall. Keaton came running. I told him he should go in case of the tornado but he stopped. He helped me up and we ran faster. We made it into the basment where we saw Holly. Max wasnt there. Perfect. MAX: the wall of my room fell off outside when i woke up. What am I supposed to do?
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