ترجم   منذ 11 سنوات

Dear Shakespeare Dear Shakespeare, lend me your ear.Tell me things Of love. Explain your fixation to me. Did not confusion consume your great mind? Is love beautiful words and feelings? Is love unadulterated passion And Rebellion? Is love true when it leads to painful death? Tell me of your muse,tell me of her heart. Shall I be like Socrates with endless questions? Dear Shakespeare pray tell, what is love? Is love walking through the trenches of #life? Is this "true love" freely vulnerable? Though I am but a young maiden, I ask thee for a full report on this matter. My young mind yearns for a stable answer. I've heard you say "Love's not Time's fool" Yet men leave their wives in due course for age. Is love Maturity and wisdom? Does Love wait on time? Oh do tell me Shakespeare. For my eyes have gazed upon a pleasant Young man, and my heart flutters on sight. Yet I am confused in this, how to feel, that is. Romanticize or Skeptisize? Dear Shakespeare, is there a silver line?

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