Translate   10 years ago

The Diary Introduction: One day, a young woman named Elise came upon a spiral bound notebook while she was walking along a river. She promised herself she would not read it but she opened it to see if there was a name. She could not find one so she flipped to the last journal entry to see the date: September 3, 1991. She thought, this person is long gone… it is probably okay to read this. She started reading. Elise thought it was remarkable and turned it into a book. This is the girl's story that inspired millions of people. 2/2/91 Age:12 Today I haven't really done much. But I did go meet Michie! She is my new sister we adopted. She is from London! I can't wait to have a little sister. Michie is coming in a few weeks. It will be summer when she comes and we will go swimming. I think I forgot to tell you she is 10 years old! So she isn't really a "little" sister. I am 12 years old. I just wish I could've been able to play dolls and dress up with her. She's probably not into that kind of stuff. This is sorta off topic but I really like the name Michie. It's nice. I can't wait until she comes! My mom says that I need to write some poetry to improve my writing skills… I guess I'll give it a try. Here it is: Me and Michie Michie and Me We'll be Sisters In a Week or Three There'll be Misters Who Make us Cry There'll be fights But We'll Always be Friends in the End Me and Michie Michie and Me Until next time, Delaney

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