-Bye- So. Appearently I am now catagorized as a spamer. Well. I kind of want to leave now. I havent felt so unwelcome since... Well. The reason Inleft in the first place. Thank you, @Burrfoot. I wanted to say thank you to my friends. But, unless its some #poem, rant, or book, its SPAM. Well, I deleated it. Be happy. And please, just leave me alone! All of you who think you are somehow doing the world good by hurting people, just... Stop. Im done. Friends, if you really want to talk to me, you can email. Its on my profile. Cheers. I dont think ill be back for the rest of my #life. I unsperstand the comment for the app now. Goodbye. Flami- No. You dint get to know me by that now.

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