Wizarding School Let It Go Chapter One: The Accident This is a story of how we all went to a wizard school after getting our powers, but this is just the first chapter. In the kingdom of Aredelle, lived the royal family. The family wasn't just royalty, they were a royal family of wizards. The King and Queen of Aredelle had met at their wizarding school and fell in love instantly. The Queen later gave birth to a beautiful light blond baby girl who they decided to name Elsa. A year later, the queen gave birth to another two children, a red-brown haired baby girl who they decided to name Anna, and Harriet who was also ginger haired they were declared twins, a few years after, the Queen was concerned for Anna as Elsa wasn't the one to be played with, She gave birth to another two baby girls , Bethany and Melly. The thing was that the king had red-brown hair which was seen in Anna and Harriet but they did not know why Elsa's hair was the way it was. The queen had dark brown hair which didn't add up to her eldest daughters pale blond hair. They didn't think much of it, thinking that maybe one of their past relatives had had the pale blond hair Elsa inherited, it was also worrying that Melly had bright blue hair, which wasn't considered in many families, over the years Bethany had started changing her hair colour from ginger to bright blonde, her hair changed over the years many times, to bright blonde - the colour of lightning dark brown - the colour of the earth bright red- the colour of fire Since the king and queen came from wizarding families and backgrounds of their own, they had no doubts that their daughters would inherit the same magical abilities. So when Elsa was five years old and Anna was four, they didn't think anything other than Elsa was starting to develop her magic when she started freezing items around her. But what they didn't know, is that Elsa knew she could freeze items, or anything really and she could create snow with her hands, Harriet had also started her magic as she was highly influenced by her sister Elsa So when four year old Anna ran into her big sisters room one late night, something happened. "Elsa!" Anna whispered loudly at her big sister. "Elsa!". She shook her sisters arm to wake her up, Harriet woke up to "Go away Anna" Elsa moaned in annoyance. She rolled over and faced the opposite direction of her sister, trying to go back to sleep. Anna huffed in annoyance and jumped onto Elsa's bed and sat on top of Elsa, again shaking her whispering "Wake up, wake up, wake up!". "Anna, go back to sleep!" Elsa whispered again to her younger sister, "We can't!" Harriet said dramatically, flipping herself around and laying on top of Elsa while staring up at the ceiling. "The sky's awake, so I'm awake! So we have to play!" "Oh, go play by yourself!" Elsa snipped back, turning around and pushing Harriet off her bed along with Anna they both landed on their butts on the floor. They sat there for a few seconds, thinking of a way to convince her sister to come play with her. Her face lit up as she thought about her idea. Anna crawled back up onto the bed on top of her sister, Harriet doing the same They both grabbed an eye lid each and lifted it up so she they Elsa's eye to make sure she was still awake while she told her her idea. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" They said with a smile. Elsa closed her eye, but opened it right back up and looked at The two twins with a smirk on her face. Harriet and Anna knew that that would convince her sister to come with her. Elsa jumped out of bed and grabbed her sisters hands, They ran out of the door and down the corridor to the staircase. Anna started to lead them, basically dragging Elsa and Harriet, along behind her. Elsa had to hush Anna several times to make sure that their mother and father did not know they were out of bed at this hour. They both ran into the ballroom and Elsa quickly shut the door behind them. "Do the magic Elsa! Do the magic!" Anna said excitedly to her sister. Elsa smirked and started to swirl her hands around in the air between them until a ball of light blue and white magic floated in between her hands. Harriet stared at it in awe. "How!" She yelled, Elsa hushed her "Are you ready?" Elsa asked her sister. They both nodded so fast and so hard that it looked like they were in fast forward. Elsa swirled her hands around the ball of magic a little faster and then threw it high in the air where it exploded into a winter snowfall. Anna and Harriet jumped up and down excitedly, swirling and dancing around in the snow. "I want powers" Harriet yelled, as she danced with Anna "Watch this!" Elsa said excitedly to her sister. The two twins stopped suddenly to watch what her sister's magic will do next. Elsa lifted her foot and sat it down on the floor where the floor suddenly became an ice rink. Anna squealed happily and started sliding around all over the place, Harriet was more balanced and helped Anna to her feat, Elsa then used more of her magic to create huge snow piles for them to use to build the snowman she wanted to create. They rolled the snow out and stacked up the snow piles on top of each other to create the snowman. When they finished him, Elsa turned the snowman towards Anna and Harriet and grabbed his stick arms from behind. "Hi! I'm Olaf!" Elsa said in a fake deep voice which was her impersonation of the snowman. "And I like warm hugs!" "Oh my gosh! I love you Olaf!" Anna said running toward Olaf and hugging him with all of her might, Harriet laughed at Olafs funny face They continued to play in the snow just as all little girls do. Running around, throwing snow balls at each other, sliding down large mounds of snow. Anna started jumping from pile to pile while her sister would create more for her to jump on as she went. Anna started to speed up with Harriet jumping behind her, while Elsa tried to keep up with her. After creating another pile, Elsa fell from the power off of her magic for trying to perform it with speed. Anna jumped to the next pile, when there actually wasn't a pile there, Harriet turned to Elsa in shock, "Anna!" Elsa yelled in fright. Elsa looked very quickly and saw a large pile of snow farther than Anna could reach by herself. Elsa shot her magic toward Anna, which hit her in the head but pushed her far enough to land safely in the snow. But Anna had been knocked unconscious from the spell, Harriet jumped down from the piles and sat by her sister Elsa quickly joined her She grabbed her sister and pulled her into her lap. She saw that her sister now had a white strip in her hair from the magic Elsa had now put inside her. She screamed for her mother and father. She started crying and tried to shake Anna awake but nothing was working, "Go get mama!" Elsa yelled at Harriet. Harriet ran out of the door, She was as cold as the ice inside of her and it wouldn't be long until she couldn't be helped. Her mother and father came running into the ballroom holding Harriet in there arms, in fright. They looked around at the snow covered ballroom and realized something had happened because of Elsa's magic. They grabbed Anna and felt how cold she really was. They quickly asked Elsa what had happened and knew immediately what they needed to do. They called the servants to fetch their horses. They all quickly rode out of the castle grounds and up toward the North mountain. They rode what felt like hours until they ended up in a clearing of sorts. There were what looked like hundreds of large rocks scattered all over the place. They quickly got off of their horses and walked to the middle of the clearing. They just stood in the middle for a moment before all of the rocks suddenly just started to shake. Elsa and Harriet, slowly started backing up into her mother until the rocks exploded all around them. This was not what Harriet had expected, "More magic" she whispered as the stones started moving Instead of being hit with debris from the rocks, in the rocks place stood miniture people. Elsa and Harriet, looked in awe at the people until they started to close in on all of them, until one of them recognized the king. "Please, it's my daughter. She's as cold as ice. We need your help." The oldest one of the lot came forward and motioned for father to kneel down with Anna in his arms. The troll put his hand on her forehead and nodded. "It is in her head. Which is good because I can help the head. It is more cooperative than the heart. But I will have to take her memories." the troll said as he pulled a large blue orb from Anna's head, Harriet turned to her mama, "Will she remember us?" Harriet asked in worries "What do you mean take her memories?" Elsa asked quietly. The troll looked at her and then back at the king. "She did this I assume?" "It was an accident. She will learn to control her powers. She is still just so young, she hasn't learned properly yet." The king defended his eldest daughter. The troll nodded and looked back at Elsa as he continued his work on the memories. "I will have to alter all of the memories of your powers. Don't worry, I shall keep all of the fun." the troll said as he finished his work and placed the orb back into Anna's head. "So she won't remember about my powers?" Elsa asked while looking down at her hands. "Will she remember me?" Harriet cried with tears "No, I'm sorry Princess Elsa. But it will help protect her." "Princess Harriet, I am unsure whether she will remember, but I leave the fun" Harriet smiled, "Protect her? From what?" Elsa asked uncertainly. The troll looked at her before gathering magic in his hands and throwing it into the air above them. They all watched the scene play out while the troll narrated. "You have a beautiful gift Princess Elsa. But your gift can also be very dangerous. You will need to learn to control your powers or you will unintentionally bring harm." The troll finished as the figures exploded above them. Elsa screamed and back up against her mother again. The Queen gasped and hugged her daughter to her and looked at her husband in fright. "We will have to limit her contact with people. Close the gates. Limit the staff. Move her into a new room so she is able to practice discipline with her magic where Anna can't see. We don't need people panicking over nothing." The troll croaked "Princess Harriet, I see your powers will arrive soon enough, you must be carful, you know how dangerous ice can be, you both have frozen hearts" Harriet backed into her father, They will learn to control her powers. I know it." The king told his wife, as he picked Harriet up. She looked at him worriedly but nodded none the less. They unfortunately didn't notice Princess Elsa hiding behind the corner of the hallway listening to their conversation. She was a monster. She had always thought her powers were from her magical heritage from her parents. She thought it was normal and that Anna was the weird one for not having powers yet. She signed and hugged herself as she made her way down the hall to her and her sisters room. She quietly opened the door and quietly moved into the room and closed the door again. She looked into the dark room and watched her baby sister sleep in her bed, unknown to all of the fuss from that night. She slowly walked over to her and kissed her forehead gently. "I love you Anna. I'm so sorry" Elsa whispered, her voice cracking at the end, she then went over to her other sister "I'm sorry Harriet," she gave her a tight hug, She went to the other side of the room to see her baby sisters Bethany and Melly who lay asked in there cots, "I'm so sorry" she stroked Bethany and Mellys heads, Tears started to run down her face as she looked at her sisters She roughly wiped her cheeks and walked over to her bed. Once she laid down, she sighed and closed her eyes, wishing she was normal.

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