Baby On The Doorstep ------Chapter Two---Who Needs A Suitor? I had no idea having a newborn baby in your room could be so tiring. I had been up at least seven times in the night to feed her, and one time she woke up because snow was falling on her, which I actually felt guilty about. I'd been so used to it, at that age I was already adjusting to the ice. I walked downstairs groggily with the baby in the arms, "Gerda..." I say, "Please prepare some coffee...and some chocolate." Gerda nods at me in disbelief. I probably have dark rings under my eyes. I walk into the dining room, the baby girl squirming around in my arms, my pregnant sister is piling her food onto her plate happily, humming, but when she sees me she drops her croissant, "Elsa, you never told me that you were pregnant!" "I wasn't. Don't be silly, Anna." I sigh. "I found her on the doorstep last night." "What are you going to do with her?" Anna asks, turning to eat her pancakes. "The person in the letter wants me to keep her." I sigh and Anna turns to face me with a smile on her face. "Oh, Elsa, yes! I'm having my baby, and they would be cousins, and they could play together and grow up together and we could be mommies together and-" "Anna, I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't know if I'm going to keep her, babies are a big responsibility." I sigh, "I'm already exhausted and I only spent one night with her." Anna pouts, "I'll help you. I'm going to be a mother anyway. And Kristoff could help out too. Go on, Elsa." "Anna, this isn't a game." I sigh, "Babies are for #life, I don't think I'm ready to be a mother, I only just learned how to control my power for goodness sake-" "More babies mean more love." Anna sings. "And I don't think I'm responsible. I mean, I wasn't raised like a normal child, that's the only thing I know. I only know how to lock people in a room, I don't want to do it to this child, Anna. I don't want to make her a princess of isolation." I yawn. "But, Elsa. You wouldn't, look I have no idea what I'm going to do, but we can do this together, it would be an adventure." Anna says and the baby begins to cry in my arms, making me and Anna both jump. I rock her anxiously, but she reaches out her tiny arms, I cautiously hug her to my chest and she stops crying immediately, "See." Anna says triumphantly, "You're doing it already." Gerda comes scurrying in with a tray, holding a pot of coffee and a big bowl of yummy chocolate, along with a letter fanned out on it, she places it in front of me and holds her arms out anxiously, "Do you want me to take the baby, Queen Elsa?" To my own surprise I snatch her to my chest, "She's fine thank you, Gerda." Anna grins slyly at me and I roll my eyes. I reach for the letter first and rip it open and scan down the page. I huff and rip it in half. "What is it, Elsa?" Anna asks me. "They're asking again." I sigh, "About a suitor. They're telling me I need an heir...but Anna, I'm just not ready. I don't know if I can marry yet, I'm scared because of my ice powers, what if he becomes scared in me, and can you imagine me giving birth? Blizzards!" Anna is grinning at me like a child on Christmas morning, "You don't need to marry to have an heir." "Of course I do, Anna." I sigh, reaching for a chocolate with an iced snowflake on top of it, my favorites. "You know how it works." "Yes, I do." Anna says with a roll of her big blue eyes, "But, you don't have to get pregnant either. The answer is right in front of you." I look down to the baby girl in my arms, and then anxiously look to Gerda, "What do you think, Gerda?" "If you don't mind," Gerda says timidly, "I agree with Princess Anna. But my opinion doesn't matter!" She adds hastily, "It's all down to you, Queen Elsa." Was I really doing this? I was sentencing my #life to motherhood! But, this could be my chance. My chance to be a mother that mine never was. I could be a proper mother, I wouldn't lock this baby up, I wouldn't treat her like a monster, I wouldn't deprive her of love. I would give her enough love for 10 children, and I hate to say it but Anna was right. She could help me, we could help each other, and Anna's child would have a cousin, I wouldn't have to find a suitor. I wouldn't have to give birth. I could just become a mother, find an heir, without having to go through any pain. I smile down at the child in my arms, "She needs a name." Anna squeals and claps her arms, "Oh, Elsa! I'm so proud of you! This is so exciting!" She runs over to me and takes a good look at the baby resting in my arms. "I think she should have something to do with your power." "Like what?" I laugh. "Winter." Anna smiles, stroking the baby's head. Winter. It was perfect, Winter, my daughter. "Hey, Winter." I whisper, "I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to be your Mommy." Winter fumbles and takes hold of my finger, I look down. She was holding my hand.

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