Tradurre   11 anni fa

Chapter Eleven Chris's POV "Sorry that we couldn't go to the drive in theatre," I sigh. "It's fine, don't worry about it. And I can pay for the tickets if you want. I know that the hospital bills were expensive." "I invited you so I shall pay." "If you insist.." We walk up the the steps to the theatre. "Any in particular movie you wish to watch?" I ask Holli as I hold the door open. "Nope," she says as she strides through the door. "Well," I remark as I walk through the door as I let it shut behind me,"how about The Wolf of Wallstreet?" "Doesn't that movie have Leonardo DiCaprio in it?" "Yeah. He's the Wolf of Wallstreet." She nods her head. "Okay. Lets watch it." I follow her over to the ticket booth, where a girl about our age sits reading a magazine. "Two tickets for The Wolf of Wallstreet...please." The girl looks up then smiles. "That will be twenty one dollars and sixteen cents." I pull out my wallet and grab a twenty dollar bill and two ones, which leaves me with seven dollars. Seven dollars wont get any snacks. Shit. I hand her the money and she places it in the cash register. "Holli?" She turns around and looks into my eyes. "I don't think I have enough money to buy any snacks." "That's okay. I think I'll live." We both smile, not breaking eye contact. This moment can't get any more perfect. "Ehem, your tickets," the girl impatiently groans. Way to ruin the moment. I snatch the tickets and my change from her hand. I turn away and storm off with Holli close behind. "I'm going to go to the bathroom," Holli loudly whispers. "Okay..I'll wait." "No, go save seats. I'll meet you in there." "Okay if you insist. Here's your ticket." I hand her the ticket then make my way to theatre nine. * * * Holli's POV "I'll take a large popcorn, two medium Coke's, Sour Patch Kids, and a box of Junior Mints." "That will be twenty five dollars and seventy six cents." I hand him the exact amount of money then slip a few dollars in his tip jar. "Here's your food. Enjoy the movie!" I smile at him then leave with the food. Now, where's theatre nine? I wander around until I find it. There's a boy standing at a table outside of the theatre doors. "Ticket please." "Oh, right." I place the food down on the table and fish the ticket out if my pocket. "Here." I hand him the ticket then grab the food off the table. He scribbles something on the ticket stub then hands it back to me. "Enjoy the movie." "Thanks," I say as I struggle to keep all the stuff balanced on my arms. "Do you need some help?" "Yeah, help would be nice." He stands up then grabs some of the stuff out of my arms. His hand brushes over mine sending a tingly feeling going through me. "Okay, let's head on in." He walks over to the door holding it open for me. "Wait, don't you need to stay and watch the stand?" "Oh right.." He looks around. "Hey Connor!" he shouts across the room. A guy turns around and looks over at him. "Can you take over the stand?" "Sure thing." Connor walks over then takes a seat at the stand. "Okay let's go." * * * Chris's POV Who the fuck is that? I stare at Holli walking with this other guy. The fuck? I stand up as Holli approaches. "Hey Holli," I say as I stare at the boy she's with. "Hey. I got some snacks." "I see that." I move out so Holli can take a seat. "I'll take that," I grumble as I take the food from the guy. "Enjoy your movie," he says in a way to exited manner. He glances at Holli one last time then turns around and walks away. If I see him talk to her again I swear I'll punch him in the face. Why do I even care so much? It's not like we're dating. I hate being the jealous type. If only Holli knew how much I liked her. If only.

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