Translate   10 years ago

The sun was hot and the air was thick; the smell of decay was everywhere. Bodies laid out in rows as far as the eye could see, death was everywhere. The young woman turned to look at the old man questions swirling in her gaze, expecting to see the same shock in his eyes. All she saw was sadness and acceptance. He turned to look at her and said "Prepare yourself young one, it's only going to get worse from here on out!" The young woman staggered back, hand coming to her mouth and gasped "What do you mean worse?" The old man shook his head sadly and croaked out "This is how they plan to purify the world. To set us all free from the burden of evil, wipe out all the unclean. Purification can only happen thought death." The young woman started backing away from the scene before her shaking her head and stuttering "No, no, no this is not happening this can't be. He wouldn't do this there is no way, this is a mistake." The old man grabbed her and held on tight forcing her to look at him "Enough, get a hold of your self we're here to do a job so let's get it done." Taking a deep breath she whispered "I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't as prepared as I thought." Nodding his head he patted her shoulder then turned towards the rows of bodies. With one sweep of his arms sparks erupted all around the ground shook and the air grew colder. Then as if nothing happened all was quite and the bodies were gone. Dropping to her knees she carved a symbol into the ground, then began to pray. All of the sudden and white flowers appeared like snow blanketing the ground. Once the area was completely covered she stood up and wiped away the symbol with her foot. The old man started walking west the young woman following behind. The sun was setting and he knew making it in to village before dark was essential this was not a place to be after dark, especially with a young woman in tow. The two companions disappeared into the woods, never noticing the shrouded figure on horseback. "Mama? Mama where are you?" "Lizzie run, please my girl run" the little girl turned to se her Mama on the ground a man standing over hand raised. She knew what that meant knew what was going to happen. Without another thought she turned and ran towards the Dobean woods. The Ministry officers refused to enter the woods, she knew if she could just make it there before they caught her she might stand a chance. Maybe just maybe she could make it to the Elfien border there she could seek sanctuary. She could hear the man by her Mama screaming at his men to catch her but she just kept running. She could see the edge of the woods and hear the footsteps behind her. Just as she felt a hand reach out to grab her she dove forward and landed just inside the barrier of the woods. She could see the officers standing there looking at her. Standing up she waved then took off running deeper into the woods. She kept running till she couldn't run anymore collapsing at the base of a tree she fell into a deep sleep hoping she would awake in the morning. Gd

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