Highgarden It's the most beautiful place in the world. The white marble pillars, the shady gardens full of lovely, sweet smelling flowers! A place like it has never existed before, and never will again. I have my own little garden, with all my favourite flowers growing in it. I can read lying down on the marble seat, or I can dance in and out of the flowerbeds and over the green summer grass. Loras has his own garden as well, with a big patch of grass in the middle that has nothing on it. He uses that space to practise his sword skills. He keeps his horse in his garden as well. The inside is even better, if that were possible. I prefer the outside, but anyway. In the Great Hall, the Tyrell house sigil is on the biggest window, made out of green jade and golden amber. It sparkles like stars when the sun hits it. I'm so lucky to live here. Love, Margaery xxxx

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  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère