Translate   10 years ago

The Voices "Look at those stretch marks All along your side, Your arms and your thighs" "Look at your face, See those scars?" "Your thighs are too big" "Look at your stomach, Look at how fat you are" "No one cares about what you think" "Shut up" "Ugly" "Worthless" "You're an idiot" "He doesn't love you because you don't look like her" "Or her" "Or her, too" "Attention whore" "Needy" "Seriously, what is wrong with you? Oh yea, everything" "Your voice is too high" "Untalented" "Annoying" "Don't you understand that no one likes you?" "No one wants you around" "If you went missing, no one would care" "Your pores are dirty" "Your nose is uneven" "Fatty" "You're not a writer, you're a sad teen" "You're not good enough" "Just give up" "They left because you aren't good enough" "Screw up" "They're all tired of you" "Everyone hates you" "...and so do you" The voices tell me these things every chance they get. I'm at war with my mind and my thoughts want to kill me. The voices scream at me and remind me I'm worthless, And they laugh at me when I look in the mirror. I am in an abusive relationship with the voices inside, they're destroying me. But I keep them around because they're the only ones who talk to me. The only ones who stay. But holy frick do I want them to leave. The voices in my head are trying to kill me...

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