Chapter Nine Sorry for no post in a few days. I've been very busy but here is a long chapter to make up. * * * Holli's POV I can not wait to leave this place. The nurses are finally letting me go home..not that I want to actually go home. I don't really want to see my mother right now. The only people that had visited me was Chris, Kitty, Laura, my brother, Justin, and even a few people from my old school. Everyone besides my mom. It's been two days and she hasn't even visited once! "Are you sure you want me to drive you home?" Chris asks. "Yeah. Why not?" "Really?" "Okay..I know. Just give me a ride. I have nobody else." Okay, I'm lying. My brother would gladly drive me home. I just really want Chris to know that even after that accident, I still trust him...well..kinda. To be honest, I really don't know want to get into a car with him. "Well we should get leaving soon." "Yeah let me just grab my keys.." Chris pats his pockets. "What about them?" "My car is still in the shop." "The shop?" "Yeah. My parents wouldn't let me get my new car, but they would let me get my car fixed." "That's still better than nothing?" "I was gonna get a new paint job for my car, but my parents are making me pay for the hospital bill. But please don't worry about it. I'm the one that got you here." "No, no, no. I can't make you do that. I can pay." "No way. I'm paying." "Let me pay! I'm the one in the hospital!" "I'm paying and that is final," Chris growls at me. I whisper okay then take a step away from Chris. He takes a seat on the hospital chair then sinks down. He stares at the floor as we wait for the nurse to call my name. "So, um. How are we going to get back?" "I have an idea," Chris says as he grabs his phone. * * * Adams POV "Hell no. I don't have time to drive anybody around! Stacy's party is at 7:30 and I am not missing it!" "It's 3:36 right now so if you drive us to Hollis house, then the car shop and then the movies then pick us up it will be about 7:15. Enough time to get to the party. And I thought the party was yesterday." "She had to reschedule it because her parents flight was changed. Didn't you get the text?" "No..I guess its because the reception here sucks. Now, are you gonna pick us up or not?" "No! I'm gonna be late to the party! I don't have time to drop you guys back home!" "I was invited. Just take us with you!" "Well emo girl wasn't." I hear Chris growl. "I'll just take HOLLI with me to the party! There's going to be a lot of people there anyways so it's not like it matters!" "But Stacy doesn't even know Holli!" "Who gives a fuck? Stop trying to make excuses! If you were really my friend, you'd pick me up!" "Fine. But you owe me." "Deal." "See ya in seven." I hang up my phone then put it in my pocket. As much as I don't want to do this, I kinda have to. I grab my car keys then go out to my car. Why me? * * * Hollis POV "Adam is picking us up? But..why him?" "What do you mean 'why him'? He's a nice guy!" "Okay drop the act! I know he doesn't like me. I can tell by the way he looks at me." "Well I didn't really have any other choice. He's the only guy I could think of that had car, wasn't busy and lived somewhat close to here. And hey, you don't even have a drivers license so stop being so picky about it." "I do have a drivers license.." "Then where is your car?" "Its a long story that I dont want to get into right now and anyways, if he has a car, then why does he ride the bus?" "It's because he doesn't want to drive his car to school. He thinks that it will give him to much false attention and he doesn't want his car to get hurt." "That's B.S.. False attention?" "Yeah." I roll my eyes. Having a car doesn't give you 'False attention'. A lot of people in our school have cars. Chris's phone buzzes. He pulls it out of his pocket and checks it. "Adams here." I grab my backpack then follow Chris. We head down a long narrow hallway until we get to the parking garage. "There he is." Chris points to a car that's at the other end of the garage. "Did you just point to that car?" I point my finger over at a Maserati. "Yup." Okay. Now I understand what he means by 'false attention'.That car is a beauty. It must have been at least a million dollars. We walk over to the car. Adam stands outside of it waiting. "This is an awesome car!" "Yeah..I know," he says in a flat voice. Geez I'm just trying to be nice and he's being an ass. Chris opens up the door and motions me to go in. When I get in, Chris shuts the door behind me. The car smells manly..kind of like leather I guess. Adam puts the key in the ignition and the car roars to #life. "Where are we going?" "Holli's house.." "Well no shit. Where is her house?" "18 Walnutgrove Court," I blurt out. Adam pauses then puts the address into his GPS. The car then goes silent as it begins to move. This car is absolutely luxurious. The road feels so smooth, almost as if your floating on a cloud. I've always wanted a car like this, but my mom would never let me. She's so controlling. Whatever she says goes. She feels like I'm unable to make my own decisions ,so she has to make them for me. My mom told me that a car like this is too 'boyish' and that I should get something else, like a Buggy or a pink convertible. No way am i getting one of those. I stare out the window. It's sunny with a few clouds. This is what a perfect day is. I look at the fields of grass with cows and horses in them. To break the silence, Chris asks Adam to put some music on, so he plays some classic rock. "Is this music okay, or do you wan me to change it?" Adam asks kind of rudely. "No, I love classic rock." "That's cool. Not many people do." "Well they just don't appreciate good music." Adam smiles. It's probably the first time ,since we met, that he didn't hate me.
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