Roaring Youth I appear to have lost my way There's something in me gone astray And I quite honestly feel like it's all because of you I loose with every move I play I feel it every single day And honestly I know that it is all because of you See I just want to try to pick a path that you once knew But it seems that every step I take is pretty wrong to you. Won't you tell me why you do this and the other things you do? I just want to understand exactly what is wrong with you... I'm looking for a way out of this mess I guarantee That all the songs that I possess Are purely made because of me And every time you try to sink my ship and screw my Odyssey I will prove to you that all this music comes to majesty Oh do you think that this is worth a low kick in my side? Why do souls like mine always seem to want to die inside Every single word we throw across the room is pure pride Every comments every compliment is sarcastic and snide Oh I am sick of those that always seem to be right out to get others down. Do they really have nothing better to do? I just want to chase every dream I ever head and break it out. So maybe all those shallow minded people might know: Exactly what we do.

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