True Loneliness 20 Jazmine His cold hands arched my head up gently so that I could look at him. I knew I must have looked terrible but Matthew made me feel so comfortable with him. Everything seemed to melt away. It happened so fast, his cold lips were on mine. His hands, one on the small of my back and the other on my face caressing me. The kiss although wrong felt so right, I at first was shocked but then felt like I wanted more. The sadness seemed to be sucked away, all I could think of was how much I wanted Matthew right now. I leaned in and reached up to pull him closer, he seemed to be a bit shocked by this but he didn't stop. He pulled away then kissed my forehead, then my nose then my neck. He kissed my neck briefly and then he knelt down and kissed my stomach. I felt so shy yet cared for. "Matthew?" I asked anxiously "It is okay" he said softly "I just want to treasure you, like you deserve to be" He stood up again and carried me easily as if I was a baby and sat down. "I want you to feel that you aren't alone, I'm here for you." I snuggled into his neck. "I'm so tired, can we just be like this?" "Of course" he kissed my forehead and played with the small hairs on my neck as I fell asleep in his strong arms. As I fell asleep, something lingered in my mind. His chest didn't move...he wasn't breathing. This thought faded as I fell asleep.

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