The Legend of Pandora the Dark Demon Returns Chapter 7 Raptor Attack Arthur looked around to find raptors circling around but Zebajin was in danger too. Rose the puppeteer grabbed Braxton and Sparrow from behind her back and pulled the strings, launching Sparrow into the bright shimmering sky that glistened down on Pandora. Sparrow let Braxton drop, landing by the raptor knocking it flying into the other pack. "Just borrowing this Zebajin," Braxton explain. "Hey that's my favourite hammer, give it back!" Zebajin shouted. Braxton went straight at the raptors but with each swing the raptors leaped into the air. The hammer just made giant holes in the ground that covered half the pitch. Then Braxton swung the hammer three hundred and sixty degrees launching it into the air, knocking a raptor out. Sparrow then caught the hammer and smacked the other raptors across the back, breaking every bone inside their body. Ragz, Rupert, Arthur, Grizzly and Sid drew out their swords ready to battle the raptors. Tod felt useless so he had to join in this battle to save his sister from any harm. Tod also drew out his blade and held it tightly but also was shaking in fear. "If you want to help you can but pull yourself together man, both of you!" Arthur shouted. Tod and Alice stared at each other by how strong and brave Arthur is even though it costs him his #life. Then the raptors leaped at them all. Bogz, Rupert, Arthur, Grizzly and Sid swung their weapons towards the raptors, wounding them in battle. Sandy and Yuna bucked two raptors with their hooves and Slither casted a fire spell that burnt them. The raptors could hardly stand. Zebajin grabbed his hammer and rushed in raising the hammer above his head. Lots of blood was pouring down his arms but Zebajin was furious and he had his eyes fixed on the battle. Dropping the hammer once again onto the raptors but Tina called them back to the orb making the troll tumble to the ground. Everyone rushed over towards Zebajin to find his arms smothered in blood and his eyes slowly dropping. "Please...S...Save Pan...dora." Zebajin gasped. "Don't be silly Zebajin, you're not leaving us yet," Rose explained. Rose searched her pockets for some useful items. She took out a small vodka bottle, bandages and tape. Rose poured the vodka over Zebajin's arms. He gripped his teeth to ease the pain but it was stinging too much that he couldn't take it anymore. Zebajin gave out a mighty cry that began to upset the others even Alice. "Would he be alright Tod?" Alice wept. "Yes he's a strong errrr, anyway just be brave yourself okay, we can't act weak in front of Arthur." Rose wrapped the bandages tightly around the troll's arms and stuck some tape across to secure it in place. "Thank you Rose," Zebajin mumbled. Suddenly a bolt of lightning was heading straight at Zebajin. Grizzly threw his battle axes in front of Zebajin that repelled the spell back towards Tina. The lightning struck the pillar making it collapse to the ground bringing Tina with it. "Why you!" Tina called out. "I've had enough of her!" Alice shouted. Alice pulled out her long bow and fired three arrows that swirled towards Tina. The arrows tangled her blue hair and then pierced in the tee leaving Tina hanging. "Wow Alice that was great, you also can use three arrows at once as well," Sandy answered. "I just hate the villains in fairy tales., they always get on my nerves. They always stop happy endings . Now it's time to shine, I need to be strong just like you Princess and also you Arthur. One day I will be a beautiful Princess." "Yes you can, only if you believe, please stay strong Alice it's your only hope," Sandy said as she smiled at the young girl. "I can see what you mean. Zebajin nearly went to heaven...if Rose didn't save his #life he would of..." Alice gulped, the words took her breath away, "so I will stay strong for now on and keep everyone safe." Yuna smiled at the little child then gave a command to arrest Tina. When they turned she had vanished all that was left was the three arrows, pierced into the nearest tree with a few strands of hair twined around the arrows. "Where's she gone?" Alice yelled. "She must have done the same thing as before, look purple mist," Rupert spoke. "So this Tina, she's not an easy target. This is going to be tricky," Arthur explained. "What was that she held in her hand? The beasts came out from them, what are they?" Tod asked. "I recon they're like our Protection Forces but she had these orbs, you may encounter her other creatures if she has more. To my calculations, she might be on her way to gain the Protection Forces, you must stop her at all costs," Yuna explained. "We'll try Yuna," Arthur answered. So Arthur, Tod, Alice, Rose and Rupert made their way towards the river where they found a boat. This would take them to a cave where they would find Lucky the rainbow fish. The one that saved their lives back where the octopus attacked them. "We better get back to Cindy to tell her the news Sid," Dash spoke while munching on a clump of grass. "Your right," Sid mounted onto Dash's back and galloped back to Angel village to find Cindy, Daisy and Lily. Finally Alice has come out of her shell, firing three arrows that tangled Tina's hair. What ability, Tina has vanished before their eyes. How are they going to defeat her if she has that kind of power?
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