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The Legend of Pandora the Dark Demon Returns Chapter 6 An Unexpected Battle Oxens beat their drums and a dwarf blew on a giant horn that was ear piercing. Arthur led the others to meet Princess Yuna's in her room. Arthur knocked on the door by using the door knocker that was a unicorn head. "Come in!" Yuna called out. Arthur and the others stepped in to the room to find Yuna the pure white unicorn lying on her golden carpet also greeting them were Slither, Grizzly, Sandy, Zebajin, Rose, Sid with Dash and Snowy, Ragz and Bogz. "Princess Yuna, I've arrived." "I see and you've also brought some children from your place. Why?" "Please Princess it's not his fault we followed because I wanted to see what a princess looks like. I want to become a princess someday just like Jasmine," Alice explained. "Young child, this is not some child's game. Jasmine noticed that when she travelled here and fought the Dark Demon eye to eye. If you want to be a Princess you need to be brave." Zebajin stepped forward, "The children would need these weapons if they're going to help us." Zebajin handed Tod a glistening blade made from blue crystal and Alice was given two long blades called a Fallkniven and a long bow for long range. "Alice, you need to protect your team at all cost with long range attacks with the bow and arrows and if the enemy comes in too close draw your blades. You read me?" Zebajin explained. Alice nodded. Bogz then strolled over and handed their clothing, Tod had heavy armour that took him off his feet because of the weight. "You'll get used to it in no time hahahaha," Grizzly laughed. Then Alice had light armour and a bag of arrows, "I've gave you more arrows just in case you run out," Bogz explained. "Now go and get changed down the corridor then I'll tell you about why you're here," Yuna said. Alice and Tod left the room and strolled down the narrow hallway looking at all the pictures that were on the wall. "Tod stop!" "What is it?" "This person he looks like..," "Don't be silly. It doesn't look like anyone. It says, a summoner who protected the fourth war." "It looks like Arthur's father look closer Tod!" Footsteps came closer towards them as Tod stared at the picture and Alice spotted another picture of a girl. "Your right that's my father, he was a summoner too like my sister Jasmine. They both risked their lives in the war but some reason my father survived. He still hasn't told me since this day. I always think maybe Jasmine would come back but of course she's gone forever. Just remember Tod, protect your sister. I was just concentrating on the Demon instead of protecting the summoner. It was my fault why she passed away. I was too cocky always thought I was right but instead my sister was always right." In front of Arthur's eyes a flash of light shone down from the picture, there stood Jasmine in a red glittery dress and glittery shoes. "Please don't blame yourself Arthur, we all fought the battle to our best and you were never in the way. We worked in a team back there. Alright you did rush in at the start but you shouldn't blame yourself. I was the one who rushed in when he threw you through the skulls eye. I was angry that the Demon can control anyone and boss them around. Now it's up to you to stop Tina before she revives the Demon." "Alright Jasmine, I will and I will do this for you and for Pandora." Tod and Alice glanced over to find Arthur talking to himself. They looked at each other but where confused by what they just saw. Jasmine smiled and gave him a hug even though they couldn't touch each other and vanished back inside the picture. Tod and Alice just rolled their eyes and went to get changed and then the three returned to Yuna for information. "Now young heroes, there is a young sorcerer who's the Dark Demon's niece, her name's Tina. She is trying to gain the Protection Forces for her Uncle and also finding her Uncle's graveyard. We need to stop her at once before this happens and also protect the Protection Forces. The Animal Tamers are also split up protecting their brothers and sisters." "We've already faced her and she's very tricky princess, she's even stronger than the Dark Demon itself. She vanished into thin air but ended up by Alice. We nearly lost another person until our Majesty fired his rifle," Rupert squeaked. "I see so you've encountered Tina already, so you know this young girl by eye. So your mission is to find her and defeat her before she revives the Dark Lord." "I want to come too, Arthur please. Jasmine was my best friend and she always was there for me. Back in the forest I was going to kill her team because I thought they were sent from the Dark Demon but then I realised how caring she could be. So please I need to find some information about my parents too," Rose asked politely. "Of course, it's great to see you three again, couldn't believe that I'll be stepping into this world again," Arthur said, while smiling with joy. "Well it's great to see you too Arthur," Braxton and Sparrow greeted. Soon the palace began to shiver and shake, they all rushed outside to find Tina on top of a pillar, attacking the palace with a purple dragon that swiftly came down from the clouds and breathed blazing hot purple flames at the palace entrance. The dragon had scaly skin and had three horns like a triceratops. Everyone jumped for their lives dodging the purple flame. Sandy and Bogz drew their bow and launched some arrows into the air at the dragon. Tina casted a spell that made the arrows come back at them. Grizzly, Ragz, Arthur and Sid drew out their weapons and struck the arrows slicing them in half. Tina chuckled, "You're too weak for my liking but maybe I'll test you with a creature of mine." Tina called the dragon back by holding an orb up into the air. The dragon vanished inside the orb that turned a dark purple. It had a sort of misty look to it but then Tina held a lime green orb that sparkled in the sunlight. "I call forth Raptor!" Raptor was a medium sized dinosaur with long pointy claws on its feet and arms, razor sharp teeth to slice open human flesh, sharp eyes that stare s down at the prey and also it uses its legs to leap at its prey. "Ha one dino, is that it," Zebajin said being all brave. Zebajin lifted his hammer off the ground and charged at the dinosaur. He then brought the hammer back down but the dino leaped backwards making Zebajin slam the hammer into the soil, cracking it open. The raptors began to call out. The orb glowed brighter sending out hundreds of raptors at once. Zebajin looked startled and began to hurry back to the team but one of the raptors leaped onto him and began to tear away his skin. He cried out in anger, while blood poured out onto the soil. The raptors had then surrounded and Tina just cackled, while watching the team come to their death. Oh no, Tina has the team surrounded and Zebajin is in danger but slowly dying. They're against the time to save the troll's #life. Will they eventually save him or is it all over?

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