The Legend of Pandora the Dark Demon Returns Chapter 5 Panic Attack A tentacle swung forward wrapping around Alice. Alice started to scream as she was being pulled towards the octopus. Rupert leaped off Arthur's shoulder and drew out his Jambiya and made a clean cut through the octopus's tentacle. This made the creature screech out loud and was out of control, swinging all eight tentacles around the cave. One of the tentacles got behind Arthur by surprise and knocked him into the lake. Arthur's bag slipped out of his hand and landed on the murky ground in a large puddle. Everyone started to panic, while the creature was torpedoing through the water chasing after Arthur. Arthur clenched his blade tightly in the palm of his hand ready to strike. The octopus sprayed thick black ink that's very poisonous and it covered the whole lake. Arthur couldn't see a thing but also he needed to reach the surface because he couldn't hold his breath any longer. The octopus wrapped its tentacles around Arthur's neck, trapping his windpipe. He wrestled his way out but the octopus just tightened its grip . Tod knew he had to do something but what? Then something sparkled in the distance. It was Arthur's rifle. Tod sprinted over and picked up the rifle with care. He pulled on the barrier to check if there is any bullets. There was one silver bullet left. Arthur forced the blade into the octopus's left eye. This made the creature loosen so that Arthur could escape. When he reached the surface, he gasped, breathing in pure oxygen. Tod rushed over and pulled Arthur to safety. It wasn't long until the creature returned. Tod aimed but then froze by how huge the creature was nearby. "Tod shoot! Snap out of it," Arthur shouted. The octopus opened its mouth wide. Tod breathed slowly and placed his finger by the trigger. The octopus torpedoed towards the edge crashing its body against it that caused the cave to crumble. Boulders started to drop from the ceiling making giant waves. The waves rolled over Tod, Arthur, Alice and Rupert pulling them towards the octopus, who had its mouth ready to eat them alive. "Tod fire!" Everyone yelled. Tod placed the rifle against his shoulders and nervously tried to get a steady aim. Tod pulled the trigger and the silver bullet rapidly sped through the air, piercing the octopus's thick skin. The octopus roared in terror smashing the cave with its tentacles. Boulder after boulder fell on top of the octopus but also the cave was caving in. "Rupert, what to do? There's no way out," Arthur asked. "This sounds crazy but we might have to swim." "What!" Tod gasped "I said." "I know, I mean with that creature." "Yes, so swim fast. Quickly, while we have a chance." Alice held onto Tod's hand and they all took a deep breath, then dived into the lake and swam for their lives. Soon the octopus rocket through the water searching for the children. The Children were taking passage after passage but couldn't find the way out. Soon they were losing their breath and needed to find surface right away. Alice began to blow bubbles from her mouth and her face began to turn bright red. The bubbles soon attracted the octopus, which swerved in front of them stopping their track. Arthur scanned the area but there was no more passage ways and not even a way to the surface. The octopus reached out to choke the children that were exhausted. Arthur swung his blade but missed and the tentacle smashed him against the wall. Alice called out to Arthur but forgot about the water, she started to choke and her vision was becoming blurry. Then out of nowhere a giant rainbow fish swallowed up the children and Rupert, then barged pass the octopus by head butting it against the wall. The fish took them back to shore and then flapped its flipper as it dived back under the sea. "Wow what a beautiful fish," Alice said. "Yeah that's Lucky, he's one of the Protection Forces." Arthur looked back to find that Lucky had brought them to the palace. So Rupert, Arthur, Tod and Alice made their way towards the palace to meet with Princess Yuna. What a relief, safe and sound. Thank god Lucky came to the rescue of it would have been the end of the heroes. Would Tod and Alice find their confidence to help Arthur in battle?
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